Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Reese's Icecream Sundae

It's Easter Sunday, my mother and I have collaborated on an awesome meal I thought she took care of dessert, because after all we discussed it. I am focused,happy, packing, my contributions to take to her house and I get a text. What's for dessert? Just like your favorite coach and quarterback an audible has to be called so that dinner can be the ultimate score. I look around my kitchen fresh baked cookies in jar, I quickly snatched it off the shelf, in my pantry homeade salted caramel sauce, check add it to the list but how do I tie these items together? With a glance in the freezer I find Reese's Peanutbutter chunk icecream and it's a go. With no time lost we are in the car and on the way to dinner without any delays.  After dinner, and everyone has had time to relax and those sweet cravings start to make people stir I assemble my 5minute dessert. 
Small bowl cookie in the bottom of bowl, cookies on opposite sides of the bowl, 3 scoops of velvety, buttery, icecream and a generous drizzle of salted caramel goodness. Presto! A treat to please everyone.
Here's a recipe for salted caramel sauce for your pantry. as seen on YouTube.
Wanna make your own Reese's icecream? as seen on YouTube.

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